2017 Cruising Meeting

Dear Shipman Owner/Crewperson.

Your invitation to a Cruising Meeting
for Owners and Crew of the Shipman 28 Fleet

Saturday 1 April, Dun Laoghaire Motor Yacht Club (DMYC) 11:00 am

There is a large number of Shipmans attached to the various clubs in Dun Laoghaire and farther afield. Some owners race their boats, others enjoy day cruising, and several test their skills in long distance voyaging to the Continent. Many keen racers enjoy cruising, and cruisers enjoy ‘racing’ where it’s not too serious. We all share a common interest in this classic yet ever-green boat, which is a great boat to sail, affordable to own and quite simply offers a lot of fun in a seaworthy boat for short-handed, family and team crews.

The Shipman Committee are keen to make renewed contact with all Shipman owners and crew. Maintenance and renewal issues are identical whether boats are cruised or raced. There is competition from new types of boats constantly being developed, with the consequent danger of Shipman’s being sidelined as a prospect for new owners. This has happened to other fleets in the past. We are inviting you to take a more active role in the Shipman family by joining together under the Shipman Association banner.

The advantages are many. The first is social as you would become part of the Shipman calendar of brunches, lunches, dinners and talks. Recently we have set up a lively and informative “Whatsapp” group on which 50+ members share topical issues and information, request maintenance or parts assistance and generally enjoy sharing experience, pictures and videos. The group picks a theme every month for discussion, with a shipman specific look at best practice in Man Overboard being a great success last month. This coming month its rig maintenance and tuning. Are your shrouds over-tensioned? Find out by joining in.

The Association is also working towards harnessing the combined spending power of members; in particular with the bulk purchase of halyards, spinnakers and boat insurance deals. The web site has been refreshed and refurbished, with a clear intent to include more cruising content and journals. http://www.irishshipmanassociation.com/

Events wise, there is a calendar of events of combined cruising and racing interest: we have the annual trip to Wicklow, where those that race can race, and those that cruise can join in and enjoy the hospitality of Wicklow Sailing Club and a social overnight in the Harbour. This year it is planned to do an additional cruiser focused get-together, such as an overnight in Greystones. To have the cruising Shipmans join in these fun events and sail down as a “fleet”–would be terrific. Other non DBSC events are planned, and we know of at least one Shipman seeking good company for a cruise to Kinsale in June.

We would like to meet you and all the cruising Shipman’s to gather views and include your ideas in shaping an association for improved appeal to cruisers into the future.

Kind Regards,


Contact us:

Brendan Finucane (Commodore/Class Captain) -087 255 4920, brendan@finucane.co.uk
Neil McSherry (Hon. Secretary) -086 8556266/ neil.mcsherryhome@gmail.com