COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Example Covid 19 – Risk assessment (source Yacht Camira 2474)

Commitment and ethos:

The owners and crew take the containment of the Covid 19 virus seriously. We will assess the risk presented on an ongoing basis (following Government Direction as it evolves) and put in place physical and organizational measures to best control the exposure and respect the health and concerns of each other and the broader society interest.

Pre-boarding verbal declaration by each sailor (to the appointed Skipper for the passage)

  • No symptoms.
  • No high-risk contacts (or foreign travel) in past 2 weeks.
  • Pre-boarding hand washing, and toilet done.
  • Commitment to the boat’s disinfectant and social distancing regime.

Social distancing: (not applicable when all persons are of the same family unit)

  • We have measured the practical distance available in the cockpit 
  • 2 people can separate - one crew sitting at hatchway away from helm
  • Another crew can sit across [on the side or in the cockpit] at the other winch and still achieve 2mtrs from crew one. Or,
  • When we have crew 3 (not being of the same family) we will require one on the rail or down below  
  • If 2 crew must be below – they shall wear face masks and remain on opposite sides of the cabin. If 2metres separation not possible, maximum time below in company shall be less than 15 minutes.
Additional notes and ideas under this heading

Cross contamination:  

  • Disinfectant routine: wash hands marina before boarding. Alcohol hand rub before donning gloves (full finger gloves practical?). Everyone commits to Hand wash/alcohol rub each hour. 
  • If you must use the Heads – disinfect – spray and wipe down all surfaces. Double Nappy bag the used tissue, and remove on landing.
  • Spray all exposed surfaces very 2 hours (taps, handrails).
  • Wipes on hand to clean tiller etc. if handing over.
  • Tricky – forward bunk no good in seaway. Aft cabin best or high side seat.
  • Making the brews….clean hands etc. Fresh disposable gloves on. – no different from what coffee shops doing. Each person bring and eat own food – no sharing.
  • Clean up after your family have used it – with an extra commitment to make sure its thorough.

Additional notes and ideas under this heading


 In the event of someone becoming symptomatic:

  • We divert to nearest + best choice port to Dublin.
  • We alert the port we are heading into.

 Additional notes and Ideas under this heading